Blog | Black Diamond Decks

Can a Wood Deck Withstand Colorado's Elements?

Written by Jon Potter | Dec. 6, 2023
Colorado: home to majestic mountains, pristine snow, and sunshine that feels like it’s giving you a wink. But when it comes to decking? This state’s climate doesn’t play nice. If you're pondering a picturesque wooden deck for those weekend BBQs, there's more to consider than just aesthetics.  Stick with us, Black Diamond Decks of Colorado’s Front Range, as we explore why, in a battle of elements vs. wood decks, nature often has the upper hand.


The Natural Beauty (and Challenge) of Timber Decking 

Ah, timber! Its rich grains, the warmth it exudes, the nostalgic creak underfoot – it's no wonder homeowners are often lured by its organic charm. But as enchanting as wood is, in Colorado, it's like placing a diva in a rugged wilderness survival show. It’s simply not in its element.

The Centennial State is known for its unexpected weather patterns: intense sun, sudden downpours, and frosty winter nights. Timber, the natural material it is, absorbs moisture from rain and snow, which causes it to swell. When the sun blazes, it dries out, leading the wood to shrink. This constant game of expansion and contraction over time leads to warping, cracking, and splitting.

And it’s not just about temperature. Colorado’s high-altitude UV rays don't just give us tans; they bleach wooden decks, causing them to gray prematurely. That beautiful chestnut or cherry hue? Without regular maintenance, it fades faster than you can say "Rocky Mountain High."

Disadvantages of Wood in Colorado's Climate 

While wood might bring that rustic touch to your outdoor space, its disadvantages, especially under the demanding Colorado sun and snow, might make you rethink. 

  • Upkeep Demands: Beyond warping and color fading, wood decks demand regular upkeep. Think staining, sealing, and, occasionally, board replacements. And the risk of slipping? Those frosty mornings can transform timber decks into slip hazards.
  • Insect Buffet and Natural Damage: Beyond the structural concerns, there's the onslaught from Colorado's insect life. Termites, wood beetles, and other pests see your wooden deck as a gourmet restaurant. Additionally, mold and mildew can creep in, especially in shaded areas, further reducing the deck's lifespan and appeal.
  • Reduced Lifespan: In ideal conditions, a wooden deck might serve you for 10-15 years. But here's the Colorado curveball: those years are often filled with maintenance chores. Even with all that elbow grease, the unpredictable Colorado elements might cut that lifespan even shorter.

Why Composite Decking Is The Coloradan's Champion

The modern solution to Colorado's deck conundrum? Enter composite decking, the superstar that’s turning heads and changing minds about how decks should be built in the Centennial State. 

What is Composite Decking?

Unlike traditional wood, composite decking is a blend of wood fibers and plastic polymers. This union creates a material that combines the beauty of wood with the durability of plastics. It’s like having the best of both worlds: the charm of timber without its frailties.

Benefits of Composite Decking

Here are some reasons why Coloradans are raving about composite.

  • Weather-Resistant: Avoid the warping and splintering so common with timber. Composite stands strong through summer's sun and winter's chill.
  • Low Maintenance: No need for yearly staining or sealing. A simple wash every now and then keeps it looking brand new.
  • Fade & Stain Resistant: Those high-altitude UV rays? No match for the steadfast colors of composite decks.
  • Eco-Friendly: Many composites are made from recycled materials, making them a green choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

Wondering what your deck might cost? We've got more details in our blog here.


Why Black Diamond Decks Champions Alternatives to Wood

At Black Diamond Decks, we aren't just building decks; we're crafting enduring outdoor experiences. Our promise to Colorado homeowners is a lasting retreat that not only amplifies the aesthetics but stands the test of time and Colorado's unique climatic challenges.

Our dedication to longevity and quality drives us away from traditional wood options. While wood has been a long-standing choice in decking, we recognize its limitations, especially in Colorado’s distinct environment. Issues like wood rot, susceptibility to pests, frequent maintenance, and the inability to withstand fluctuating temperatures make wood a less-than-ideal candidate.

Enter KDAT lumber and composite decking. When it comes to framing, we rely on KDAT lumber, a pre-treated wood that minimizes the challenges typically associated with wood, such as warping or moisture retention. It gives the deck a strong backbone, ensuring the foundation remains unwavering for years.

Alternatives to Woods Decking for Longevity in Colorado

Navigating the world of composite decking can feel like an overwhelming task with so many options at your fingertips. However, as experts in the decking industry, Black Diamond Decks has narrowed it down to three trusted brands that exemplify excellence in both quality and aesthetics. Here's a closer look at the unique attributes of Deckorators, Trex, and Timbertech, each of which promises to elevate the outdoor living experience for homeowners in Colorado.

Deckorators: A brand synonymous with innovation, Deckorators takes composite decking to the next level with their advanced combination of durability and aesthetics. Their products are known for offering a unique blend of rich textures and colors, ensuring every deck stands out, all while promising a maintenance-free lifespan that Colorado homeowners will cherish.

Trex: As one of the pioneers in the composite decking industry, Trex is often the go-to choice for homeowners seeking both reliability and style. Their eco-friendly products, made from an impressive mix of recycled wood fibers and plastic, boast resistance to warping, fading, and staining. It's not just a deck; it's a Trex – a testament to the brand's long standing reputation for quality.

Timbertech: Focusing on the fusion of beauty and technology, Timbertech offers a range of composite decking solutions tailored to suit varied tastes. Their emphasis on sustainable manufacturing and a spectrum of color choices makes them a favorite among homeowners looking for a balance between environmental consciousness and design flexibility. With Timbertech, decks become an elegant extension of the home, built to endure Colorado's dynamic climate.


Your Deck on the Front Range Deserves Expertise and Longevity

Black Diamond Decks is not here to merely build your deck. We’re here to craft the right deck with materials suited for the unique challenges and beauty of Colorado. And our commitment to alternative decking materials underscores our promise to every client: a seamless blend of function, durability, and aesthetics. Ready to build your deck in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Monument, Colorado Springs, Larkspur, Parker, Black Forest, Sedalia, Palmer Lake, Perry Park, or southern Douglas County? Connect with Black Diamond Decks today.